Dataset of ideological polarization in Western Europe

Data source: Emanuele and Marino

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This dataset provides data on ideological polarization in Western Europe. It is based on parties’ left-right placement provided by several expert surveys. Then, it uses Dalton’s polarization index (2008) to calculate the polarization score in terms of votes and seats for each election. The dataset covers 20 Western European countries since 1945, for a total of 398 parliamentary elections and legislatures (Lower House).

The dataset is based on parties’ left-right placement provided by a series of comparative and widely-recognized expert surveys that allow for extended temporal coverage and reliable cross-country and cross-time comparisons.

Please find more information about the methodology at

Last updated by source: 2023-08-03

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Emanuele, V., & Marino, B. (2023). Dataset of ideological polarization in western europe.

Variables in this dataset:

   Polarization score in terms of seats
QoG Code: ipwe_pseats1

The polarization score of the legislature calculated from parties’ left-right placement according to expert survey data and using Dalton’s polarization index (2008). The score ranges from 0 to 10, where higher values mean higher polarization. For more information on the methodology and some information for individual countries, please consult the methodology available at

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   Polarization score in terms of votes (2nd election in year)
QoG Code: ipwe_pseats2

This variable has information if the country held a second election during the year of reference; otherwise it is empty. The polarization score of the legislature calculated from parties’ left-right placement according to expert survey data and using Dalton’s polarization index (2008). The score ranges from 0 to 10, where higher values mean higher polarization. For more information on the methodology and some information for individual countries, please consult the methodology available at

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   Polarization score in terms of votes
QoG Code: ipwe_pvotes1

The polarization score of the election calculated from parties’ left-right placement according to expert survey data and using Dalton’s polarization index (2008). The score ranges from 0 to 10, where higher values mean higher polarization. For more information on the methodology and some information for individual countries, please consult the methodology available at

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   Polarization score in terms of votes (second election in year)
QoG Code: ipwe_pvotes2

This variable has information if the country held a second election during the year of reference; otherwise it is empty. The polarization score of the election calculated from parties’ left-right placement according to expert survey data and using Dalton’s polarization index (2008). The score ranges from 0 to 10, where higher values mean higher polarization. For more information on the methodology and some information for individual countries, please consult the methodology available at

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